Epidermolysis bullosa, bulloa, or bullous refers to a set of rare, potentially inherited diseases characterized by extremely fragile skin in which blisters, ulcers, sores and wounds easily form in response to minor trauma, such as the most minimal friction or bump. Epidermolysis bullosa shares similarities with other skin conditions, such as dermatitis and psoriasis, which are known to improve with cannabis.
One of the almost universal symptoms of epidermolysis bullosa, which cannabis can help to improve, is chronic pain due to blistered skin and wounds (in addition to later complications, such as loss, deformity, or fusion of the fingers of hands or feet). Several patient reports available on the internet attest to the efficacy of cannabis in treating pain related to epidermolysis bullosa, and EB pain is listed by numerous doctors and dispensaries in the list of diseases that can be treated with cannabis.
Pruritus (itching) is another almost universal symptom of EB. Cannabis and certain synthetic cannabinoid analogs can act as antipruritics in epidermolysis bullosa and other related disorders.
In 2005, it was shown that CB1 and CB2 receptors are present on sensory nerve fibers and adjoining structures (appendages such as hair follicles and sebaceous glands) of the skin, and that they play an important role in the management of both itch and skin. the inflammation.
Inflammatory immune responses are believed to be the cause of blistering in many cases of EB. Cannabis has been shown to be effective against skin inflammation in numerous related conditions, and there are many anecdotal reports demonstrating its effectiveness that can be found online. Currently, the presence of dermal cannabinoid receptors is believed to be essential for the regulation of various immune responses, including the regulation of oxidative stress and programmed cell death, as well as itching and inflammation.
The mechanism through which cannabis exerts its anti-inflammatory effects is complex and not fully understood. Both THC and CBD are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, and while cannabinoid receptors play a role, other mechanisms independent of CB receptors play a role as well.
A common complication of epidermolysis bullosa is infection due to exposure of injured skin to pathogens present in the natural environment. There is abundant evidence that cannabis indicates that it can exert a significant antibacterial effect in vitro and in vivo against a number of common bacteria and in the treatment of several important diseases.
Cannabis-based drugs have been used as antimicrobials since ancient times. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, modern researchers began to document the popular and traditional applications of cannabis, and in many cases, they proved its veracity with new empirical methods. In 1960, relevant work was published demonstrating the ability of cannabis extractions to kill various species of staphylococci and streptococci. Since then, other work has revealed that cannabis can also kill pseudomonas and candida bacteria.
Some forms of epidermolysis bullosa significantly increase the risk of skin cancer in affected individuals, specifically a rare form of cancer known as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Again, there is no specific research on the potential of cannabinoids for the related treatment of EB related to squamous cell carcinoma, but there are several case reports of people suffering from SCC who have successfully treated their disease. with high doses of cannabis oil.
Nonetheless, CBD research supports the therapeutic benefits of CBD products. These products can be safely used to support a healthy lifestyle, without the psychoactive effects of THC.